updated 01/16/2023
2 matched pair horned Alpine wethers, bottle raised and super friendly; dob; 6/25/2022
1 disbudded Lamancha/Alpine, bottle raised; super friendly dob 5/25/22
1 disbudded TALL and beautiful Nubian Sable, bottle raised, super friendly dob 06/10/2022
1 horned Saanen buckling
We have decided that we will have only a small handful of pack bred prospects as we have retired several does and for the next couple of years our breeding lines will be adjusted and no animals will be available during that time. Well this did not last long, we will have plenty of pack prospects available.
2022 babies-unless otherwise priced below:
start at $300.00 at 10 days to 2 weeks of age(to evaluate growth and start on the bottles correctly) to
$600.00 each at 12 weeks of age.
We will have full Alpines, full Lamanchas, full Saanen, crosses of each.
start at $300.00 at 10 days to 2 weeks of age(to evaluate growth and start on the bottles correctly) to
$600.00 each at 12 weeks of age.
We will have full Alpines, full Lamanchas, full Saanen, crosses of each.